Monday, December 30, 2019

Database Normalization Is Important For The Future....

Introduction Data is important to the company as it assists with decision making, competitive advantage, or support. Senior management has to rely on historical information to observe trends in order to formulate a plan to execute improvements for the future. Company performance information can be leveraged to compare among competitors in the industry to capture an idea of where the organization stands. Data can be used as support to confirm whether previously executed plans are effectively working or not against standards or metrics. With importance of data, it would benefit business employees preserve information by improving the database design that stores it all. While information is being stored sufficiently as is, database design can be processed through normalization to improve its organization. Purpose As a commonly exercised technique for the analysis of relational databases, normalization creates set of relational tables and minimize data redundancy that preserve consistency (Bahmani et al, 2010). The output design then facilitates correct insertion, deletion, and modification to the data. According to Wang et al (2010), database normalization is an important process in systems analysis and design. The objective of normalization is to allow the storage of data without unnecessary redundancy and thereby eliminate data inconsistency so that users can maintain and retrieve data without difficulty. A normalized database eliminates anomalies in updating, inserting,Show MoreRelatedEntities and Attributes for Fleet Truck Maintenance Essay1933 Words   |  8 Pagesand attributes for their Fleet Trucking Maintenance database. Unfortunately, the creator of the database was not available and the development of the database system was not able to be completed. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Different Perspectives Of Immigration And Discrimination

In a world filled with multiple cultural identities and differences, little is known as to why a survey of racial citizens discriminate against those of immigrant backgrounds. For instance, when an immigrant leave his/her native land to establish permanent residency abroad. As this individual begin to familiarize him/herself with this new country, a number of people who religiously consume this place, are not as open to familiarizing themselves with this person of unchained difference. As this somehow forces this individual into a category prone to discrimination as mentioned in the earlier paragraph, very little is known as to why this is the case. What is known however, is the many commonalities that continue to transpire through synchronized immigrant experiences. Moreover, the purpose of this essay, is to provide you with a three dimensional perspective of immigration and discrimination. When it comes to this subject as a whole, it is essential that we take a deeper look through the lens of the immigrant, his/her immediate family member and the individual promoting immigration discrimination. It is essentially necessary in understanding the reason immigrants are usually frowned upon, as if gives way to a better understanding of one’s self-identification. Before we move further into the ideology of self-identification however, let’s take a deeper look into the meaning of immigration and discrimination. As defined in Webster’s dictionary,Show MoreRelatedRacism In Australia - The Rise and Fall of the White Australia Policy1308 Words   |  6 PagesAustralia is a a multicultural country. That is because it has had an increased numbers of different come to live here for many different reasons.. They have all called themselves Australians and had accepted Australia as their new home. Although the perspective of accepting a different race/culture has changed, racism still exists in Australia. Australia’s indigenous people were the fi rst victims of racism in this country. For about 50,000 years before the settlement of the British, Australia wasRead MoreHarvest of Empire by Juan Gonzalez Essay examples1340 Words   |  6 Pagesand military in their perspective countries. By reading this book it is clearly stated that Latinos are on the verge of becoming the largest minority group in America. Juan Gonzalez presents a devastating perspective on U.S. history rarely found in mainstream publishing aimed at a popular audience. Few of those countries were immigrants from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Dominican Republic and Central Americans. Gonzales develops his thesis by asserting that Latin American immigration and Latino presenceRead MorePersuasive Essay Immigration843 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout this day in age, the topic of immigration is in the forefront of issues in today’s society having two different point-of-views and many opinions to go along. I agree with Kinsley’s overall opinion that the United States has no obligation to be fair and take more immigrants in under their wing than they can handle and give support financially if needed. During this essay, I will be focusing on the topic of immigration including benefits and receiving education in the United States and willRead MoreThe Problem Of Illegal Immigrants1179 Words   |  5 Pagesdecided to migrate abroad. My first interviewee made the journey when he was twelve years of age with his parents, and second person came to the US in his late twenties by his own efforts. He was very much concerned about the phrase of illegal immigratio n. He said, â€Å"Here, when you think about illegal immigrant, people have a prejudgment that they are Hispanic people, whatever you think, that people have immediate connection with it. People’s first impression is bad impression†. What he said wasRead MoreChinese Immigrant Lee Chew Denounces Prejudice In America1708 Words   |  7 PagesDenounces Prejudice in America, 1882† A Comprehensive view of Discrimination in Nineteenth Century America In â€Å"Chinese Immigrant Lee Cew Denounces Prejudice in America, 1882†, we read the account of Chinese immigrant Lee Chew who, writing in 1882, finds himself discontented with the treatment he endures as an immigrant from China. Lee Chew’s experience was not unique; the Chinese immigration experience was one that was marked by discrimination and general exploitation. However, this pattern of discriminatoryRead MoreVisible Minority And Immigrant Racism1583 Words   |  7 Pageshiring, promotion, assignments or termination. 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My research question thus will argue the factors that contribute to people’s discrimination toward second-class citizens in Canada and I will operationalizeRead More Italian Immigration and the United States of America Essay1711 Words   |  7 PagesItalian Immigration and the United States of America Today we live in a world of which some have come to understand where it all came from. So many different little contributions have accumulated over the years to create â€Å"today† in the United States of America. Not one factor is more important than the next, however, some have had a larger, lasting impact today. Immigration and racial discrimination have played the most important role as to why American society has altered. In 1917 America enteredRead MoreArizona Immigration Law955 Words   |  4 PagesBrewer, signed the Act in April of 2010 with intention to block further illegal immigration. â€Å"The new law would require law enforcement officials to enforce existing federal immigration laws in the state by checking the immigration status of a person they have reasonable suspicion of being in the U.S. illegally. An immigrant found without proper documentation would be charged with a misdemeanor† (Arizona Immigration Law (S.B. 1070) The law was more than an attempt to protect Arizona’s

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Capital Punishment Is Always Wrong, Do You Agree Free Essays

Capital Punishment is always wrong, do you agree? A Christian would agree as they believe all life is sacred and only god can choose when your life ends, he will punish you in hell for your sins and it is not the place of the government to decide whether you are killed or not. This is because in the bible it says â€Å"Do not kill† which is one of the Ten Commandments which are not to be disobeyed, they also believe in forgiveness and love which are the fundamentals of their religion therefore criminals should be forgiven and given a chance to change. A Buddhist would agree because they believe in the sanctity of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Capital Punishment Is Always Wrong, Do You Agree? or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is because they believe in karma – that you will accumulate bad karma for the bad things you do in your life and will pay for them in your next life and so therefore we should leave people to be punished in their next life and not kill them because all life is sacred and if we kill them we will accumulate bad karma. A Muslim would disagree because they believe that punishment is needed to protect the welfare of society and serve justice to the victims family, they believe that if you take a life then you should die because you have taken away something sacred and sinned, this is because in the Qur’an it says â€Å"take not life, which God hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law† which permits the death penalty if it is to bring about justice. Another Christian would disagree because they believe that god has appointed the king/queen who has then appointed the government to serve justice on his behalf, this means that they can punish people in the means they feel appropriate and in the bible there are examples where people were killed for their sins so therefore it must be alright to kill people in today’s society. This is because in the bible it says â€Å"show no pity, life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot† which shows that we should have no mercy and should give the same punishment as the crime done for example if someone kills then they should be killed. I disagree as I believe sometimes it could be right because some criminals never reform and in killing them we would be preventing them from killing again and possibly deterring other criminals as they would be afraid of the punishment they would receive. How to cite Capital Punishment Is Always Wrong, Do You Agree?, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Dreaming Expository free essay sample

Folio Task 3 – Expository Writing 1. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Statement of explanation: This piece of writing is in the form of an expository essay. The purpose of this expository essay is to explore and discuss what it means to accomplish great things, and how these dreams and aspirations can be anything more than just a dream. This essay agrees with the statement that ‘to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. Saying that it is simply not enough to have dreams and goals, and it is also not enough just being a hard-working person. It takes a combination of both dreaming and aspiring to greater things, and also a person or people that are prepared to work hard and who believe in what they do, in order to eventually accomplish something ‘great’. We will write a custom essay sample on Dreaming Expository or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The audience for this piece of writing is for a collection of expository essays written by students, for other students who may benefit from seeing other pieces of writing that relate to their studies.Accomplishing great things does not often stray far from being persistently hard working. To accomplish great things, it often takes far more than just luck. It takes a combination of hard work, planning, having goals and ambitions and having belief in what you are striving to accomplish. For most people in life, ‘great things’ do not come easily, and do not come without the sacrifices that sometimes have to be made.For most, great things are a result of the belief and trust that one has within themselves, and the time, effort and planning that needs to be inaugurated for great things to be accomplished. Great feats will never be accomplished if there are no dreams or ambitions in the first place. It is true in saying that in order for great things to be accomplished, a lot of hard work and planning needs to be involved, but these great dreams and ambitions will never come true if they never existed in the first place.In order for something to be ‘great’ and for it to seem satisfactorily accomplished, it needs to have started off as a simple pip edream or aspiration, so it has room to grow and develop fully into something great. There are no shortages of examples of dreams and aspirations in David Malouf’s Dream Stuff. For example in one of the short stories, Closer, the youngest of a very strict and religious family, Amy, dreams that one day her family will re-unite and her Uncle Charles will be accepted and loved once again by his family, forgiven of his sexuality.It is never known if Uncle Charles will be re-united with his family, but it is certain that for Amy, dreaming about this happening makes it all seem more plausible and that it might one day actually come true. If Amy did not have this dream, this desire to see her Uncle walk back on to her side of the fence – both in the literal and metaphorical sense – then Amy would have lost hope and would not continue being the ambitious and optimistic girl that she is. Great things will never be accomplished or earned if hard work and planning is not somehow involved.As much as there needs to be aspirations and goals for dreams to star t, they will very rarely come true unless actions are implemented and planning is used. Hard work and planning are just as, if not more important than the initial spark that will hopefully turn out to one day be ‘great’. If a person truly wished to accomplish something great, then not only their heart, but also their mind must be entirely focussed on what they hope to achieve. They must know and understand what they want to accomplish, and then plan, work hard for it, invest time in it, and take action upon it.This is the only way that a person can completely earn and feel wholly satisfied with what they desire to accomplish. For example, in David Malouf’s Blacksoil Country, another short story in Dream Stuff? the newly colonised family are an unsavoury and a somewhat unpleasant example of how some dreams, whether they are desired by all or not, can come true. The father of the family dreams of owning his own land for agricultural and farming purposes, and he takes his inquisitive 12 year old son and very unwilling wife to the outbacks of Australia.But due to the lack of knowledge and poor communication, the son becomes the unfortunate victim and losing his life to the racial discrimination t hat was very prevalent in those days. But the father’s dream of owning is own land, and moving to Australia would not have come without hard work and it quite clearly did not come without any sacrifices. It is true to say that dreams and ambitions are very important and are a vital part of accomplishing great things. Great things cannot even be considered to be accomplished if there is no dream or goals or aspirations to begin with.But it is also true to say that these dreams and ambitions cannot transpire or emerge from anything more than a dream, if hard work and planning is not involved. These dreams will rarely become anything more than just dreams if the person is not wholeheartedly committed and has full belief in what they are doing. In conclusion, it takes a combination of both – the initial dreams and aspirations, but also hard work, commitment, planning and most importantly, belief in what you are aiming to achieve.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Nearly Six Million Jews Were Killed And Murdered In What Essays

Nearly six million Jews were killed and murdered in what historians have called "The Holocaust." The word 'holocaust' is a conflagration, a great raging fire that consumes in it's path all that lives. In the years between 1933 and 1945, the Jews of Europe were marked for total annihilation. Moreover, anti-Semitism was given legal sanction. It was directed by Adolf Hitler and managed by Heinne Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann. There were many other great crimes and murders, such as the killing of the Armenians by the Turks, but the Holocaust stood out as the "only sysmatic and organized effort by a modern government to destroy a whole race of people." The Germans under Adolf Hitler believed that the Jews were the cause of all the German troubles and were a threat to the German and Christian values. Dating back to the first century A.D. the Jews and Christians were always at war. The Jews were considered the murderers of Christ and were therefor denounced from society, rejected by the Conservatives and were not allowed to live in rural areas. As a result, the Jews began living in the cities and supported the liberals. This made the Germans see the Jews as the symbol of all they feared. Following the defeat of the Germans in WW1, the Treaty Of Versailles and the UN resolutions against Germany raised many militaristic voices and formed extreme nationalism. Hitler took advantage of the situation and rose to power in 1933 on a promise to destroy the Treaty Of Versailles that stripped Germany off land. Hitler organized the Gestapo as the only executive branch and secret terror organization of the Nazi police system. In 1935, he made the Nuremberg Laws that forbid Germans to marry Jews or commerce with them. Hitler thought that the Jews were a nationless parasite and were directly related to the Treaty Of Versailles. When Hitler began his move to conquer Europe, he promised that no person of Jewish background would survive. Before the start of the second world war, the Jews of Germany were excluded from public life, forbidden to have sexual relations with non-Jews, boycotted, beaten but allowed to emigrate. When the war was officially declared, emigration ended and 'the final solution to the Jewish problem' came. When Germany took over Poland, the Polish and German Jews were forced into overcrowded Ghettos and employed as slave labour. The Jewish property was seized. Disease and starvation filled the Ghettos. Finally, the Jews were taken to concentration camps in Poland and Germany were they were murdered and killed in poisonous gas chambers in Auschwitz and many other camps. Despite the harsh treatment of the Jews, little Germans opposed this. When the news reached the allies, they all refused and put down any rescue plans to aid the Jews. American Jews were warned against seeking any action for the benefit of the European Jews although Zionists managed to save small groups of young Jews and brought them to Palestine. The Vatican condemed racism in general but did hardly anything to stop the German actions. The victories of the Germans in the early years of the war brought most of the majority of the European Jews under the control of the Nazi's. The Baltics, Ukrainee's and white Russians gladly joined the Nazi's. France and Italy sent 100,000 Jews to Germany but refused to send any of it's Jews. Holland and Belgium were Anti-Nazi's and refused to co-operate with Germany. Denmark protected it's Jews from Germany and Norway sent it's Jews to Switzerland for protection. Unaware that they will be gassed, the Jews kept quiet until the last moment. When their fate was clear, the first Jewish uprising came in April 1943 in Warsaw Ghetto, when more than 60,000 pitifully armed Jews decided to resist. The battle took 28 days before the heavily equipped German forces put down this violent uprising. Individual Jews also resisted by joining partisan groups. Jewish resistance, however, was mainly spiritual.'The Jews prayed, wrote, observed festivals and also refrained.' The war in Europe ended on May 8th, 1945. The following years tended to heal a few wounds, but the damage caused to the Jews of Europe could not be fully repaired.'A great deal of the Jewish culture and learning perished. Deep mental scars plagued the survivors and their children.'' An aspect of human cruelty was exposed more brutal than the civilized world could admit.' In Israel, the Holocaust day is celebrated on Nisan 27, the date that marked the Warsaw Ghetto uprising of 1943. Although the Germans had lost the war, they won their war on the Jews of Europe. --- END NOTES 1.) Rossel,

Monday, November 25, 2019

Upcoming Changes to Interstate Driving Ages Open New Possibilities

Upcoming Changes to Interstate Driving Ages Open New Possibilities According to the American Trucking Association, the industry is currently facing a shortage of more than 30,000 drivers; many eligible drivers have been unable to secure cross-country or interstate routes because of insurance regulations that prohibit drivers younger than 21 from crossing state lines. Young drivers are eager to take more lucrative opportunities; insurance companies are often leery of trusting younger drivers for safety concerns, but according to Ken, Vice President of Spirit of CLD training services, â€Å"If they’re getting trained properly and you’re helping them grow up and realize †¦their responsibility and obligation†¦I don’t think age should matter.† He has even trained his daughter, Cheyenne, 18, to follow in his trucking footsteps- she’s looking forward to the potential jobs this change in regulation could open up for her.A bill coming before the Illinois legislature would allow bordering states to partner with one another in individual or group compacts that would allow 18-year-old drivers to cross between participating states. Detractors say a bigger pool of younger drivers would take jobs from more established operators- but the ATA’s deficit of drivers would seem to counter those concerns.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Difficult Phrase Position Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Difficult Phrase Position Paper - Essay Example tians who overreact on the cases of immorality by interpreting the phrase their own way making it say more than what it was originally intended to say. A number of commentators who have written about 1 Timothy 3:2 have concluded that the phrase means that it is not a must for an elder to be married. They contend that the phrase simply tries to say that if a man is married, then he should be faithful to his spouse and exhibit marital fidelity and not be polygamous, a man of many women. The reason why marriage is not a must for one to be a church leader is argued from Paul’s point of view. Paul was neither married nor did he have children so he would not insert a qualification that would exclude him. It is noted that Paul spoke of the advantages of his own single state in 1 Corinthians 7:8,Paul expresses that celibacy is the most optimal state in which an individual is able to serve the Lord. The main idea here is that a man does not qualify as a husband of one wife because he has no wife, to be a man of one wife one has to have a wife. Personally the marriage view should be eliminated as it places an undue emphasis on a candi date’s married status while the text is more concerned with on a person’s character. The marriage issue lacks enough scholarly support its claims. This first understanding as meaning married to the church simply communicates that a man must be completely dedicated to the work of the church in order to qualify as an elder. In this view, the word wife is seen as the church or wife of Christ. In Eph 5:23) the church is alluded to as Christ’s bride. In Lange’s commentary Oosterzee refers to this position though it is often doubted because of his Roman Catholic origin. According to Kent, the view was an obvious endeavour to protect the Romish doctrine of celibacy for the priests. Being married to the church makes it irrelevant to marry a literal wife. Thus 1 Timothy 3:2 cannot be used to make the priests get married. The view was also

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Modern Culture in Western Europe and the US Essay

Modern Culture in Western Europe and the US - Essay Example The first argument is that like Germany, the U.S. insists on issuing driving licenses to teens more than 18 years of age. The U.S. has gone one step further by also requiring written consent from the teen’s parents before issuing not only a driver’s license but also a learner’s permit to teens (Smith: 10). This represents the strongest pro-teen driver argument that states, unlike other countries of the world, West European countries and the U.S. have strict driver licensing systems that contain severe training tests that must be fully and properly passed by teens before they get a driving license. The second argument concerns driver’s education programs in U.S. high schools (Haverstock) and the role of driving instructors (Smith: 9). This argument states that such school driver’s education programs give proper and sufficient training to teens in all matters related to driving, mainly traffic rules and the methods of operating, maintaining and even b riefly repairing motor vehicles. The knowledge got from the school driver’s education program is greatly strengthened when teens use the service of driving instructors. The instructors apply the ‘finishing touches’ to what has already been learned in school. The third argument is that, as compared to adults, teens rarely drive when drunk (Harrop). This argument raises the usual trend of teens not to drink and drive because drunk driving is easily the most common reason for road accidents. The argument further states that this good habit of teens is a clear indication that they are responsible members of society and our country who deserve to be allowed to drive. The fourth argument concerns the education level of teens. Teens are not illiterate morons but study in high schools and colleges where they are gaining a high level of knowledge as they are trained to be our country’s future. They are perfectly aware of the risks involved in rash driving and are r esponsible enough to decide for themselves if they are competent enough to drive.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Is human genome editing inevitable Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is human genome editing inevitable - Essay Example However, there have been worldwide debates regarding the ethical and legal aspects of human genome editing. So, this discussion is about the new molecular technique of CRISPRs, analyzing its present hype, benefits, and risks behind it. Moreover, the discussion traces critical perspectives of human genome editing and possibilities of this inevitable science in future. The analysis also justifies the ethical process and critically examines opinions of others on these emotive issues. In the past few decades, genome editing methods have been successfully experimented on animals and in the field of agriculture. In that direction, recent advancements have increased the possibilities of experimentation with human genomes. However, the inefficiency of the previous methods and lack of specificity raises doubts, with many sections terming it as inappropriate and unsafe for humans. Of late, the latest weapon added to the armory of human genome editing is a technique called Crispr-Cas9. The main reason for this technique to receive universal acclaim is that, unlike the previous methods, it is possible for scientists to insert, modify, or delete DNA with unprecedented precision, increased efficiency, specificity, and more flexibility. Because of this precision and efficiency, human body achieves optimal strength to impede attacks of microorganisms. â€Å"The method, known by the acronym Crispr-Cas9, co-opts the natural immune system with which bacteria remember the DNA of the viruses that attacks them so they are ready the next time those same invaders appear†.

Friday, November 15, 2019

International Strategic Plan Project: Camel Milk

International Strategic Plan Project: Camel Milk The whole Project is based on the encouraging and opening a new business and entering into an international market. Camel Milk is famous in the Arab countries which can be exported to other countries based on which there are various strategies and analysis proposed which helps in analyzing the situation of the foreign country. There are mission statements and goals define by the firm which has to be developed by the company in order to keep forwarding in a particular direction. After that product analysis is done which is to make research on the analysis on the product. The environmental assessment is done that is about the various forces which play a major role in the investment in the foreign country. After discussing about the various forces there are marketing strategies which comes in the place. There has been SWOT Analysis which has been done in order to understand the situations in the country where the investment is done. Introduction- The purpose of proposing this business plan is to mainly focus on the camels and their product camel milk. Now a days Camel milk is getting popularity all over the world with its various properties being very useful for the human beings. We will be discussing about the company profile formed for the product which we are going to deliver and there would be various other topics which would come in the discussion which mainly comprises of Product Analysis, Environmental Assessment, Marketing, Competitive and human resources strategy and in the end there is analysis done on our findings. Globalization is described as the process through which the terms like societies, economies and culture are integrated through a particular network of various political ideas through various means such as trade, communication and transportation. In this project the term globalization is also referred as transnational circulation of languages, ideas or culture through acculturation. The expansion is needed in the market and at every aspect where the increment in the economy can be seen. The main target is the international market where there could be so many chances for developing the business. As Camel milk is generally produced in the Arab countries where camels are found in large amount and the milk obtained from them is beneficial in many contexts. Business Concepts- In this section of our study we will be describing our mission statements and business goals of our company. The company name selected is Alvin. Mission Statements- The company will keep on acquiring and developing quality properties which are totally based upon the practical values for the affiliation of its own investment and for its partners. These activities will continue in the targeted markets and sub markets which are generally spread throughout the France and the activities will be focusing on the transactions which would take advantage of unique opportunities. Once there is development of properties the company would like to provide systems, skills and services necessary to develop the high standard quality product to gain the upmost operating efficiencies and finally to apprehend the highest profit performance. Business Goals- There are many goals which are setup by the company to achieve the target which have been estimated to achieve throughout the year. Some of the goals are Achievement of brand recognition within a short time. Regularly launching of new products and creation of employee-friendly work environment. A definite time frame is indicated for reaching on the stage of profitability after a successful launch. A clear vision for all the employees is provided for what they are working. There are goals set up by the company so as to achieve the target mentioned in the beginning of the financial year. There should be brand which should be getting recognized or famous with the passage of time or within a short period and regularly there should be launch of new products and environment should be worth working. The time limit should be stated for a particular project to reach a stage of profitability and a clear vision is to be mentioned in front of every employee. Product Analysis- Description of Product- The product which is given for the study is camel milk which has been introduced in the France. The camel milk has the same properties as of insulin which is useful in curing the diabetes. In this section we will be going to discuss about various characteristics of the product that we are going to launch which includes the following properties such as Functionality Style Color Design The product which is mentioned is Camel milk which is basically designed for the country France and the product has various useful characteristics that have various applications in different fields. Functionality of the camel milk can be in its usage that is it can be used in various fields such as medicines, home usage and various other fields but mainly the usage of camel milk is in the field of making medicines for deadly diseases. So the product should be of usage in the medicinal field. Design of the product should be attractive which can catch the attention of the consumer so that the there is an increase in the sale of the product but with the high quality of design, the quality of the product should be maintained. Style of the product should be designed according to the environment of the country means as the trend going on in the country which can support the product. Color will be according to the product for example as it is given camel milk so the color of the milk will be natural here so it cannot be altered although. (Camel Milk : The biggest hump in the milk industry , 2010) The functionality, design, color and style are described in the above paragraphs apart from it the product should be fully developed and the whole of the product should be upgraded with the passage of time. The physical qualities should be a major concern for the company as it would be attracting more and more customers. The product should be attractive in nature as it should be fulfilling all the needs of physical quantities. Value Proposition- There are many benefits of the product camel milk in which some of them consists of- Camel milk is considered equal to the human mothers milk instead has 10 times more iron and more than 3 times vitamin C than cows milk. It is also considered as antibacterial and basically has low amount of lactose. Camel milk has been used by the nomadic communities for centuries as medicine. In many countries camel milk is taken use for the treatment in Tuberculosis and the most deadly disease HIV AIDS which is spreading all over the world speedily. The studies which have been done in the field of diabetes are most promising in which anti diabetic action of camel milk is considered as the important one. High concentration of insulin resembling protein is present in it which has a positive effect on the immunity. Camel milk is also being used in the manufacturing of beauty products as it contains Alpha-Hydroxy acids which are helpful in plumping the skin and smoothing fine lines. (sudani, 2010) There are various benefits describing Camel milk which is to be introduced in the foreign country. There are first of all not much competitors in the world market as it is the innovative idea and if we talk about the remaining competence then the product launch will try to attract more and more of customers which are going to be sell at cheap prices than as compared with the market price. There will be lucrative offers which are provided along with the camel milk which will give a step ahead of the other companies. Environmental Assessment- There are many forces which play a major role in deciding the success of a product like camel milk which is imported from United Arab Emirates. Some of the forces are described below- Socio-cultural Forces- The national culture of country is one of the cardinal factor and an essential component in the success of the companies. Major interest of market is in culture, habits and some proportion of attitude also which is important to get success in the international business. The working of a company depends on the way of interaction with the people where differences in culture are observed. Basically these are the social and cultural factors which can come across during business of camel milk in France. (Socio-Cultural forces and international business, 2009) There are many other major issues which are related with the socio-cultural components such as attitude, belief, religion and language. These are considered with respect to the customers and the requirements of the people according to which delivery of the product is done. The policies of the company should be made taking socio cultural forces in mind. The attitude and belief of the peoples should be judge before investing in a particular country. The religion should be seen as it would not harm the religious belief of the people and the marketing which is to be done should be in the proper local language of that country. A professor Geert Hofstede has evaluated five dimensions which are compared with one or the other terms through which the country could be analyzed as first dimension is about the small v/s large power distance, Masculanity against Femininity, Weak against strong uncertainity avoidance, Long against short term orientation and individualism v/s collectivism. These are the dimensions which can be helpful in describing cultural differences within the country or characteristics of an individual in a particular region as there will be many kind of people living in a particular country. Economic and Socio-Economic Forces- Economic forces generally refer to the character of the economy system of the country. The economic policies offered by the government which are suitable for the camel milk and the businessmen anticipate the market situations and make maximize with the minimum cost. There should be capital market available in the France to establish business in the sector of camel milk which will be exported from United Arab Emirates. The businessmen also study about the nature of factor endowment before investing in a particular country. There are major issues like International debt and age distribution which should be kept in mind. The international debt is about the loan on the banks which is taken by the company which is considered as the economic forces and age distribution that is the product which is being developed should be manufactured taking every age person in their mind. There are 8 dimensions present which come across the economic forces that are Gross National Income, GNI/capita, Income distribution, Private consumption, exchange rate, interest rate, and Unit labor cost and inflation rate. These dimensions also affect the economic condition of the country as investors analyze these dimensions. The gross national income of the France was $ 2177.7 billion in the year 2005 and in the same year GNI per capita was $ 30,540. In the year 2009 the inflation rate is 0.1% apart from the 2.8% in the year 2008. The interest rate in the past few years was 6.7% in France. These all statistics are also analyzed while investing in a particular area or region and also these were the eight dimensions which has to be take care while investing. Legal Forces- The country France is considered as the civil law country and the legal system is based on the body of written law. The legal forces are attached with two judicial systems- administrative and judicial. There is a provision of extra legal protection to the French citizens so there would be no chance for any mistakes committed by the exporters of the camel milk. Many legal and political forces is acting presently on the exporting and importing of any product which make difficult for any of the businessmen to setup a new business in the country. Political Forces- The political factors are affecting the business at the global level which comes in many forms. The ideological forces for instance capitalism, communism and socialism which plays an important role in the operation of business and considered as venturing in the international commerce. These all factors play an important role in the exporting of camel milk in France. There are many several areas where government controls businesses through interfering in the policies like safety, zoning, wages, employment conditions and various other areas. Other political factor is the political environment in a particular country is in flux, which can also affect business in importing, exporting or operating in that particular country as it is here in France. (Foreign Environments Affecting International Business, 2010) Financial Forces- As other forces the financial forces is also important with respect to the exporting camel milk to the France. There are much financial laws and policies created in the France which can create hindrance in the setup of business. The company which is setting up business in France should be financially strong as it could face few setbacks at the starting of the business as well as financial forces should be lenient. Labor Forces- There would be requirement of labor to work in the firms as the setup of camel milk industry requires large labor force. There is increment in the female labor work in the France which was reported as 46.98 percent in 2008 which was high as compared with the past few years. In France, Labor force normally consists of the people between age group 15 and older and France is considered as second trading nation and second largest economy in Europe. So the laws and policies for labor forces are made easy for the international business. The labor force should be taken with the quantity and quality of the labor which is available in the market of that country that is a company has a requirement of cheap and a good quality work force for their firms and usually the force should be local as they would be knowing the taste of the people according to which suggestions could be taken from them to bring up innovations. The size of the workforce should be moderate who can handle and manage the work. The relationship between the manager or employer and employee should be healthy as it would take help in their maintaining decorum at their work place. Market Entry Strategy- Market entering strategy is the method of providing services to a particular market and distributing goods there. There are many advantages in exporting the products to the France through three ways which are as follows- It minimizes the investment in the upfront. It overcomes the need of the large extra fixed cost which is required for investment. It develops a strategy to enter in the market which avoids making costly or dangerous overseas mistakes. There are basically three common strategies to enter any type of market which are indirect exporting, directly exporting products and producing product in the target market. These were the basic strategies which can give a start to any type of business but to maintain a reputation in the growing market there is a need of other strategies which can fulfill the purpose of exporting the product. We are going to concentrate on the market of France where camel milk id to be exported from the United Arab Emirates as we know that it is hub for the market of camel milk. It also depends on the financial resources of the country to enter in the market in which France is at strong part. In building a market strategy, there are various factors which should be kept in mind such as time, image through promotion, intelligence system and effort and money. As we know that camel milk is not at all famous in the country like France because of less quantity of camel. So there is a need of promotion campaigns which requires a large investment. There can be facing of difficulty in the contract which can be costly or weak legal integrations between two countries. There are various types of marketing entry strategies and some of them are- Exporting which is somewhat traditional way of operating in the foreign markets. It is the marketing of goods which is produced in a particular country into another country. This is the method which we will be using in our product that is camel milk which is produced in UAE to France. Licensing could be method in which a company is allowed to manufacture, process, trademark and some other skills provided by the licensor which will be difficult in the case of camel milk because it cannot be manufactured in France. Joint Ventures is referred to an enterprise in which there are two or more than two investors share ownership and control rights and operations of property. There are several other strategies which can be useful in entering in the market but the above mentioned strategies are basically used. (Chapter 7 : Market Entry Strategy) Marketing Strategy- Market Analysis- In the analysis of market there are various segments included which is competitive analysis, market segmentation and target market. Competitive analysis is analyzing about the competition present in the market of France which will be least in the case of camel milk. There could be competition of the camel milk from the Asia which could be found in France which is another source of camel milk. The target market should be the milk product which is being produced through milk of another animal; it should be mainly replaced by camel milk product as there is high consumption of cheese in the France which could be main focus of the company so as to develop the cheese product from the camel milk which is exported from United Arab Emirates. Market segmentation refers to the various segments of the milk products which are present in the market of France; the company should try to replace the products through its marketing strategies or marketing campaigns. Product Strategies- The product which we will be offering will be camel milk and the products manufactured from the same. As we know that the products made of cheese are too famous out there in France which will be our main focus of marketing. We just have to try to curb in maximum of the market through our marketing strategies and campaigns. Camel milk is not at all famous in France which will make hard for the company to make it famous and requires more effort. The product should be made differently or the taste or packing should be somewhat different and attractive from other products present in the market. Distribution Strategy (Place)- The place selected is the country France in which firstly the product should be launched in the main metro cities which can grab the market or gain experience which should be then expanded to the rural areas. The place should be effectively chosen where there are so much chances of failure. Pricing Strategy- The main issue which arises at the time of launching of any product is the price selection for the product as it should not cost customer much and on the other side it should be beneficial for the company as well. The price should be compared and lowered as much as the other product prices which can give extra zeal to the quality of the product. Promotional Strategies- As we talk about promotional strategies then the standard and quality of product should be maintained with the passage of time. The alteration in price should not be much which can make difference in the reputation of the company. There should be improvement in the product with the observation of market and other products and essential improvement should be made. Competitive Strategy- Competitive strategy is considered as a plan about the firm and their plans to completely formulate or evaluate the strengths and weaknesses as compared with those of its competitors as an example a small meatpacking place which has decided to concentrate on the special product that is offered in limited areas determining that it cannot compete with the major competitors. The main author, writer and researcher Porter have given Porters generic competitive strategies which can help the firm find the ways to find the ways to compete. So the strategies help the company to make its strategies while entering into the market so as to make the market in favor of the camel milk. The relative position of the firm decides the profitability is above or below average of a particular industry. There are two basic types of competitive advantages which can be possessed by any particular firm that is low cost or differentiation and these two basic types of advantage combined with the scope of the activities and the firms try to achieve them. This leads to three generic strategies for achieving the above performance in the market- Cost Leadership- In this kind of strategy the firm tries to become low cost producer in the whole industry and the sources of the advantage in the cost are varied and mostly depend on the structure of the industry which includes economical, technological and many other factors. The producer of low cost must fin and exploit all the sources of the cost advantages. Differentiation- In this kind of strategy the firm should be having a unique in the whole industry along the various dimensions which are widely valued by the buyers. There is selection of a single or more attributes which is considered as important in an industry and positioned them in a unique place to meet the needs and the firm is rewarded with the premium price for its uniqueness. Focus- The strategy of focus basically rests on the choice of a narrow scope of competition within an industry. A particular individual known as focuser selects a segment or a bunch of segment in the industry and manipulate its strategies. (Porters Generic Competitive Strategies) The basic task of the strategy maker is to assess the situation and cope with the competition but however managers have defined the competition very narrowly. There are five forces which are shaped that understand the industry situation is Threat of the new entrants Bargaining power of the suppliers Bargaining power of the buyers Rivalry among existing competitors Threat of substitute services or products. The configurations of the forces differ from the industry and the strongest force determines the profitability and become most important in the formulation of the strategy. The camel milk should have to follow the five forces which have to make their profitability maximum. Human Resource Strategy- Human Resource Strategy in our view is a strategic process or outcome which is jointly shared by the line managers and human resources to solve the problems related with the business. The human resource department of the firm recruits top talent and keeps the present employees satisfied by their beneficial plans. Human Resource strategies are as unique as the fingerprints because in order to flourish, they all need a special guidance and managerial support. As we are going to introduce camel milk in the international market so we will need a specific human resource strategies which could make the market in favor of the product. The companys goals and objectives are kept in mind while attempting for a successful Human Resource strategies. We have to adopt more than one growing paths so as to place our investments and to find out the capabilities of the company to accomplish the choices of the growth. There should be both long term and short term objectives set to help the hiring managers which seek qualified talent for the open positions. The companys objective should be kept in mind in order focus on the connection with the people and the goals themselves. There is specific framework which is followed by the company in order to set up the business in the other country because there are many w eaknesses and threats which comes in the way while encountering the international market. The company provides with the opportunities and responsibilities to the employees wherever possible so as to enhance their efficiency, productivity. The personal responsibility which is provided to the employees set a defined purpose for the employees within the company to focus on their energies where they can have the greatest impact. The company is entering the market so they have to develop human resource strategy within themselves to avoid the threats of the new entrants in the international market. As there are many hazards that most often spoil the success of the strategy so the strategies should be practical and most of the time close to the business. There should be pivot points in the talent and organization which should be find out in order to have the most positive impact on the results. There should be separate treatment given to the talent and jobs as both of them are the separate things at their places. Finally there is a superb Human Resource strategy but it will be of no use if the proper professionals and channels are not in place to put that strategy in action, there is a support needed from top to down in order to succeed in the strategy formed by the company for entering in the international market. SWOT Analysis- Strengths- As we all know if we are introducing camel milk in the foreign countries it is some kind of new and innovative product or services which will help in developing and capturing the minds of the people. The location of the business should be at the place where it is easy for the buyer, supplier and to the company. The process and procedures would be of best quality as in todays world there is focus given on quality instead of quantity. The marketing expertise should be specialist in their respective field as the company is entering in the new market which will pose many different situations and problems in front of the company. Weaknesses- When we are entering an international market which can pose by many weaknesses to a particular company as the company could lack in the marketing expertise and the product could be undifferentiated or services could be same as the other competitors are giving which will not attract the customers for your product. The main weakness which comes in the way is the location of the business which be situated in a particular place where it is easier for both suppliers and buyers. The quality of the goods and services should be maintained and should be increased with the passage of time of the settling of the business. The reputation of the brand should be maintained throughout the service years as it would fetch more and more customers for their product. Opportunities- There are many opportunities available for a particular company in an international market as it could provide a developing market for an instance internet. There are many joint ventures, mergers and strategic alliances. When the company is moving into a new market then the market segment in which the company is entering offer an improved profits. There are loads and loads of improved and profitable international market present in many countries where the company could maximize its profit. There may be chances of vacated place in the market through the ineffectiveness of the competitors which could be grasped as an opportunity. Threats- At the time of entering an international market there is more chances of threats than any other thing. The main threat is the entry of new entrants in the home market which can bring up them with some different and attractive strategy in the market and grasp their customers. There is a price war which can be seen anytime of the year between the competitors whereas the competitor could bring up with the new, innovative and extraordinary services or products. There is a threat of the superiority in accessing the channels of distribution with the competitors and the other threat which could be imposed on the company is of taxation that is the product or services could face the imposing of taxation which can make the product costlier. So these were the major threats which could be imposed on the company. (SWOT Analysis, 2010) Conclusion- So as we have discussed about various aspects related with the entering into the international market and the issues and strategies related with the introduction of the camel milk in the international market. The profile of the company is defined initially so as to develop various strategies related with the international market plan. The camel milk is the new and innovative product as there are not many places in the world where camel can be found except mainly in Asia and Africa. So it would help the company manufacture various kinds of product in order to capture the market related with the camel milk. There are no such kinds of competitors which can be found in the world market in order to provide competition to the company. There are various strategies discussed which could help the company sustain in the market which gives no chance of doing mistakes.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Downfall Of The Middle Ages :: essays research papers

The Downfall of the Middle Ages There were many reasons for the downfall for the Middle Ages, but the most crucial ones were the decline of the feudal system, and the declination of the Church's power over the nation-states. In feudal society, everyone had a definite place and a definite role, with the power resting in the hands of the local lords (instead of a central government). The lords, or nobles, lost power after the Crusades, when the Europeans came into contact with the more advanced civilizations of the Byzantine Empire and the Muslims. That spurred the growth of trade, which in turn gave rise to a money system. The money system in turn caused the birth of a middle class, which didn't fit anywhere into the feudal system. It was made up of the serfs and peasants that left the feudal system in search of making money in trade. For the middle class, the king granted Charters, made a uniform law, started banking, offered protection, and expanded territory. In return, the middle class payed taxes to the king. While t his money economy grew, the feudal lords were put into an economic squeeze. As one may see, that didn't leave much of a place for the nobles, who were rapidly losing power. Another thing that contributed to their loss of power was the enforcement of Common Law, which applied throughout the kingdom.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The effects of the Hundred Years' War hastened the decline of the feudal system. The use of the longbow and firearms made the feudal methods of fighting obsolete. Monarchs replaced feudal soldiers with national armies made up of hired soldiers. Finally, threats to the monarchy decreased as a result of the large number of nobles killed in the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another major factor that contributed to the end of the Middle Ages was the declination of the Church's power over the nation-states. Conflicts between the papacy and the monarchy over political matters resulted people losing faith in the Church. Events like the Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism further weakened the Church's influence over the peole. Aside from that, people were disgusted at the actions of the corrupt church officials. They would charge the people money for all church services, and they also allowed church positions to be bought. The princely lifestyle of the clergy further eroded regard for the church. While some still believed that religion held all the answers, others were beginning to put faith into reason and science. The uncertainty of the existance of God made people question the Church. Perhaps one of the most vital blows to the Church was the printing of the Bible in the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Body Piercings

Body piercing has increased over long terms of period of time and it becomes one of the trendiest and culture in today’s our life. This has attracted the most people who are interested about body piercing, and then they get attention especially from media when famous celebrities come up in advertisement with their body piercings and tattoos. However, there are various places that people do the body piercing such as tongues, noses, navels and even their genital, but this occurs lots of arguments that piercing makes in dangers or just showing as one of individuality. Many piercers are re-representing the piercing as an option of styling or strong expressions about themselves, and having one of body piercing or tattoos are a means of personal empowerment for some Ger Xers who are typically searching for individualism and control of their lives. These arguments give strong opinions to person by person and it could spread out popular in very short time in publicity. However, following the articles by Lori Wilkerson he said that â€Å"it has existed in many cultures for hundreds of years in many historical countries and many historical reasons are generally about advertise wealthy and the power of men. Another argument in favor of piercing is there is man Griffhorn, 26, owner of Black Hole Professional Body Piercing shop in Reno, mentioned â€Å"Trend is the biggest reason and it ways to reclaim people after physical or sexual abuse†. On the other hand, opponents including many doctors point out that it refers to regarding the possible dangers such as oral piercings cause swollen tongues, excessive bleeding, and typical infections also swallowing of small parts of jewellery. Moreover, according to articles by Quint Miller(2000), there are common piercing problems appeared from people when they ripped their skin from the jewellery either catching on clothing or even being pulled off. It leads to get infections easily especially to get Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C is an infection which is extremely dangerous than other problems because it can causes cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. For this reasons, some medical practitioners said that â€Å"many piercers are providing their services in unsafe environments such as no gloves or masks to remove their jewellery, no sterilization equipment and unsanitary surroundings†. Thus, with all arguments from advatanges and disadantages the first thing we must remember about to care and treats out skins when it gets infections even it is a way of expressions of individuality or favourite things to do. It is also good to know from behind old history why people did body piercings and tattoos, and how it continued to be exist until now. The reason because there are so many different characters of people gathering around and their passionative ideology makes small communities to one big society.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Fall of teh House of Romanov essays

Fall of teh House of Romanov essays The Romanov family, a great and prestigious lineage, ruled over Russia from 1613 to 1917. Although it had, in the past, overcome all types of dilemmas, the Romanov family was to fall, at last, in 1917 with the resignation of Tsar Nicholas the Second. After the Russo-Japanese war of 1905, the Russian army was severely weakened and, as a result, the Russian government was forced to endure the restraints of a cautious foreign policy. As it was necessary for the Russian army to rebuild itself before Russia could again be considered as great a power as it had been, most of Russia's efforts had to concentrated within the country. For assistance in rebuilding its power, Russia received loans from France, which strengthened their alliance. After having been defeated in the Russo-Japanese war, Russia no longer had much influence in East Asia and therefore turned its efforts to the Balkan states where an unstable situation was developing with the weakening of the Habsburg monarchy and the Ottoman Empire. The Russian foreign minister, Aleksandr Petrovich Izvolsky, failed to consummate a deal with Austria over the control of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This resulted in Austria taking control of those two Balkan states; this national humiliation caused Ivolsky to resign. Because Russia had, for a long time, had a policy of protecting its Slavic brothers', the Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in June of 1914 and the ensuing demand by Austria of Serbia put Russia in a difficult situation. It could not very well back down to Austrian demands again (as it had in the Bosnia-Herzegovina affair), and yet to not give in would mean to set the two sets of alliances at odds (the Triple Entente against the Triple Alliance) and to put Europe at war. But, in accordance with the beliefs of the time, Russia decided in favour of the war in hopes that their power would be extended and solidified in the Bal ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Freudian Theory essays

Freudian Theory essays Sigmund Freud was a Viennese physician, whose psychoanalytic theory is the best-known psychodynamic approach today. He believed that behavior revealed unconscious internal forces. His work shows there are probably three parts that make up individual personality. All three parts are used for most behavioral decisions. This paper will go over: the id; the ego; the superego; as well as interactions of the id, ego, and superego. The id is thought to be made up of natural biological instincts and urges. The ids instincts and urges lie in the unconscious. They are all self-serving, impulsive, and irrational. The id runs according to the pleasure principle (Dennis Coon pg. 465). That means the id will try to act on any pleasurable experience it conceives of. The libido, or energy of the id flows from life instincts or Eros. Freud thought the libido emphasized the effort to live as well as have sex. He also believed we have a death instinct, or as he called it Thanatos. This is where he suspected aggressive and destructive urges came from. Ones ego powers direct behavior by adjusting the ids desires to real settings and occasions. The ego functions on the reality principle using it consciously to operate personality. The strategy of thinking, planning, problem-solving, and deciding all happens in the ego (Dennis Coon pg. 465). The ego makes decisions based on both the id and the superego. The superego serves as a judge or censor for thoughts and actions carried out by the ego. The superego is what people today think of as a conscience. When the consciences demands are not met that person will have to bear guilt as penance. However, if that person were to meet a goal set by the conscience they would feel pride (Dennis Coon pg.465). Dr. Sigmund suspected the superego could make a difference in the life of that person. If the su ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Looking at the primary documents in Gjerde, p. 275290, compare how the Essay

Looking at the primary documents in Gjerde, p. 275290, compare how the authors define and describe certain ethnic groups. Then, looking at John Higham and Hane - Essay Example Between the chauvinistic purposes for which the concept of national character was used, and the irrationality with which it was supported, it fell during the 1930's into a disrepute from which it has by no means fully recovered. The Skepticism of John Higman, the conflicting nature of the images of the American as an individualistic democrat or as a conformist democrat would have seemed simply to illustrate further the already demonstrated flimsiness and fallacious quality of all generalizations about national character (Gjerde, 1998). According to Haney-Lopez, the inhabitants of one country may, as a group, evince a given trait in higher degree than the inhabitants of some other country amounts almost to a denial that the culture of one people can be different from the culture of another people. To escape the pitfalls of racism in this way is to fly from one error into the embrace of another, and students of culture -- primarily anthropologists, rather than historians -perceived that rejection of the idea that a group could be distinctive, along with the idea that the distinction was eternal and immutable in the genes, involved the ancient logical fallacy of throwing out the baby along with the bath. Accor dingly, the study of national character came under the special sponsorship of cultural anthropology, and in the 'forties a number of outstanding workers in this field tackled the problem of national character, including the American character, with a methodological precision and objectivity that had never been applied to the subject before. Every person, in addition to having their own personal identity, has a good judgment of who they are in relation to the larger community-the nation. Each nation, province, island, state, neighborhood and individual is its own unique union of history, culture, language and tradition (Gjerde, 1998). Children are raised to correlate with nation in lieu of unity and government. Communities and culture give people their identity. It is not some secret that human have migrated since their emergence as species. Their original differentiation into ethnic groups appears to have been a result of isolated development of separate groups of people who journeyed from a central point of origin. However, this isolation is not complete, for migrations resulted in complicated patterns of blood relationship through widely separated groups. Sadly nowadays, there are about a thousand people who migrate to other countries. Their reasons might be personal. They might be either interested or they just want to experience new cultures in other places. Or simply because they got tired of the place they situated and want to experience something new. Migration in a sense means the breaking up and scattering of a people. While this may be advantageous to many people who have good reasons for migrating, it also affects the traditions of the place they're leaving . (Gjerde, 1998) Sources say that the rate of migration has increased. Although, there were some minor differences between them by size of vicinity. It is recognized that most males would likely go to a medium-size and extra large

Friday, November 1, 2019

Article Critique - Violence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Article Critique - Violence - Essay Example In general and in great detail, the literature review of the research study â€Å"The Associations Between Community Violence, Television Violence, Intimate Partner Violence, Parent-Child Aggression, and Aggression in Sibling Relationships of a Sample of Preschoolers† presents the prevailing studies and information concerning sibling aggression and the potential factors that are paving the way for its realization. The literature review provides significant information and potential gaps that will help enhance the actual research problem that the research study wanted to generate. The literature review presents the concept that in the high level of aggression between siblings, there is potential association with significant short-and-long-term effects. For this reason, the proponents were able to include relevant points concerning Intimate Partner Violence and sibling aggression, parent-child aggression and sibling aggression, community violence and sibling aggression, exposure to violence in the media and sibling aggression, and complex violence exposure. Therefore, the proponents want to identify if children’s exposure to these varying types of violence may have substantial impact on their actual aggressive behavior (Miller et al. 165). This is the study’s relevant statement of the problem as the potential remark that calls for the need to do the necessary study in order to provide a potential response to what may be lacking in the prevailing literature or studies so far. The focus therefore of this study is to contribute to the growing body of knowledge linked to violence by which there is a potential link to childhood’s aggressive behavior.... In other words, understanding this information will eventually pave the way on how to control the crime and delinquent behaviors the soonest possible. The ultimate point of this in the end is a substantial reduction of crimes and actual manifestations of delinquent behaviors. Second, the study will provide a remarkable empirical evidence to support the claim that one’s external context of the environment has important contribution to the creation of crimes, violence and other related delinquent behaviors. Finally, this study will provide the opportunity for the community to understand more about violence and other essential points that have substantial link to its inception at the early stage. In other words, if proven that children and their aggressive behaviors are influenced by other forms of violence, then the community will be able to emancipate significant actions that will lead to social organization and eradication of crimes or other potential delinquent behaviors. Qua litative data are obtained from the respondents and they can be both nominal and ordinal data. These are data that are not necessarily numbers, and the basic example might involve responses like ‘moderate’ and ‘severe’ just as what exactly employed in the research study. There are also some quantitative data obtained from the respondents when mothers were asked about the time range of TV watching of their children. In other words, the research study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative data that at the most specific category can be identified as belonging to either nominal, ordinal, ratio or interval type of data. These data are

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Industry Analysis ( Real Estate ) Research Paper

Industry Analysis ( Real Estate ) - Research Paper Example United development group in a pioneering real estate company that dictates its operations in affordable housing, student housing, retail centers and apartment homes. The real estate market in Qatar has continued to post massive growth which occurred in the tail end of 2014 (BMI Research, 2014). The Government has plans to expand real estate business due to some prospects and developments which include the 2020 world cup and 2030 vision programme which are key to the expansion of the sector (BMI Research, 2014). The Qatar Construction Specifications set new mandates to all buildings being constructed that they should be wind-proof and seismic, have entry and exit points for people with special needs, and that the walls should provide adequate sound and heat protection. The stipulations also, take into contemplation the quality of construction materials and age of the building (BMI Research, 2014). Nevertheless, the construction debris should be recycled, dysfunctional street lights be replaced and employ the use of energy saver bulbs. Most real estate companies have expanded their production in several countries like Kuwait, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. The City Scape Qatar 2015 is a real estate development and investment galore, which will be unveiled on May, 11 will be a key role in investment opportunities (BMI Research, 2014). Online Qatar.(2015). Qatar Real Estate News: Qatar property rentals third most expensive in the world. Retrieved from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bank of China †Survey of products and services provided Essay Example for Free

Bank of China – Survey of products and services provided Essay Personal Banking. In the personal banking segment one of the principal products and services include deposit products. The Bank of China provides a variety of deposit products including foreign currency deposits. It has also included multifunctional debit card which can assist financial planning. (Deposits, 2006). It has also got a facility for deposit collections at different places which facilitate those with transferable jobs or changing residences frequently to follow up their deposits without any geographical constraints (Deposits, 2006). Deposit Certificates are being issued by the Bank for people’s needs for studying abroad, visiting relatives or for domestic requirements. (Deposits, 2006). The bank also provides facilities for payment of fees, providing pay to employees, stock fund transfer service and handling of securities trading services. (Deposits, 2006). In addition Personal Checks are provided for high value account holders for making large purchases which are beyond the credit card limits allotted. (Personal Check, 2006). In the loans segment, Bank of China is providing a variety of loans to its personal customers. The primary loans include educational loans which can be commercial or state. The latter are at discounted interests by the central financial authorities in China, while commercial loans are for financing tuition and other fees which is supported privately. (Loans, 2006). Auto loans include financing for purchase of cars. In addition there are travel loans to facilitate in board as well as out board travel which however has to be only through approved travel company services as per bank norms. (Loans, 2006). There are petty consumer credit loans which are provided for facilitating normal consumption needs of customers such as labor service and fee payments. (Loans, 2006). For such purposes the client is required to be credit worthy. A normal service provided by the Bank is renting of safe deposit box. (Loans, 2006). Another important service provided by the bank is that of Bancassurance, which involves a tie up with the insurance companies, providing the client a full range of services to include insurance, premiums on policy and preservation at a savings outlet in BOC. (Bancassurance, 2006). Corporate Banking. In the corporate banking sector, the Bank of China has a strong presence with a global profile. Its experience and expertise is seen to be of particular benefit to the Chinese businessman seeking to do business globally. (Corporate, 2006) The bank claims to provide unique services based on its ability to assess market sensitivity. The various corporate services provided by the bank include financing for trade, risk controls, protection of risk of debt and is extending even further to management of ledger and collection. (Corporate, 2006). In the loans segment the various types of loans include providing working capital to the companies, for financing projects, real estate businesses, fixed assets and loans on foreign currency. (Corporate, 2006) Business is provided finance in various forms of credit such as a normal credit line, credit for export buyers, finance lease guarantees, credit for export sellers, accounts receivable purchases and labor service contracts. (Corporate, 2006). For international businesses, the services provided include both inward and outward remittance, collection of letters of credit for both imports and exports, bill discounting, packing loan and guarantees for businesses and shipping. (Corporate, 2006). The investment banking services include a financial advisory service, cash management, loan trusts and agent bank business. The bank has also developed extensive e banking services to include i-banking, telephone banking and mobile phone banking. These services are seen to be highly effective in providing the corporate a variety of mediums of interaction on the World Wide Web. (Corporate, 2006). In the segment of foreign exchange and settlement, it is the lead bank in China and hence enjoys considerable leverage in the Chinese banking industry. This caters for individual and personal foreign exchange needs. (Forex, 2006). It has also facilities for forward transactions in foreign exchange Global business facilities include same day facility of funds transfer with the GLOBAL NICS programme in place which enables transactions across 581 overseas branches in 26 countries and regions on a single computer network. (Global, 2006). Linked to SWIFT communications, it enables a safe and speedy transaction for business persons. This is particularly significant with the extensive network of the Bank within China comprising of over 12,000 branches. It also facilitates international clients to transfer money within China speedily. (Global, 2006). Overseas Presence. The Banks overseas presence has been consistently growing after the China Development Finance Company (HK) was established in 1979, followed by Bank of China Groups Securities Limited in 1983, Bank of China International UK Ltd 1996 and Bank of China International in Hong Kong in 1998. (BOCI, 2006). The subsequent entry of BOCI into mainland has provided it added opportunity to establish close links with stable Chinese corporations to include China National Petroleum Corporation, State Development Investment Corporation, China General Technology (Group) Holdings Limited and so on. (BOCI, 2006) This enables strengthening of the financial link of the Bank providing it greater stability in the international as well as national banking domains. (BOCI, 2006). Banking Facilitation. The BOC is also an agent bank for a large number of other banks providing them the services of consignment banking to manage loans between borrowers and the agent bank. The consignment banks include China Import and Export Bank and the State Development Bank. (Agent, 2006). This provides the client bank the advantage of drawing upon the experience, expertise and network of a larger bank with an international presence as the BOC. A relatively high quality of service is said to be provided to the agent bank by BOC. Generally a tripartite agreement is signed between the BOC, the client bank and the borrower. (Agent, 2006).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest Essay -- Tempest essays

Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest   Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare describes a 'utopic' world saturated with supernatural images and ideas which works to create the mysterious island where The Tempest takes place.   This is one of Shakespeare's best examples of how a natural harmony reveals itself through the actions of discourse and confusion.   To illustrate this idea best one must examine the historical context upon which The Tempest is based.   Because this play was published in the early 1600s, controversial cultural and political events undoubtedly surface.   Furthermore, by analyzing the sub-plots in the play, the reader has a better understanding of Shakespeare's purpose for including multi-plots, which is to create conflicts that all have a different context but coexist to create a more natural harmony.  Ã‚   Finally, one must recognize that the moral conflict that characters face in The Tempest is crucial in understanding the harmony that is created.   For example, it is important to realize tha t although the play ends with reconciliation for most of the characters, it does not have the same effect on all of the characters.   Therefore, by examining the effects of the historical context, the inclusion of sub-plots, and the importance of moral conflict the reader may take a more comprehensive approach in understanding how Shakespeare finds a harmonious closure in The Tempest.      In 1623, The Tempest made its debut in Shakespeare's First Folio of works (Hirst 36).   Historically, this play is different from Shakespeare's later plays in that he divides it into acts and scenes and leaves the island nameless (Hirst 36).   In other plays such as Twelfth Night and Merchant of Venice, where the same natural harmony is ultimately c... ... F. (Ed.) Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism.   New York: Oxford, 1957. Hatch, James V. Black Theater, U.S.A.: 45 Plays by Black Americans, 1847-1974.   New York: The Free Press, 1974. Hay, Samuel A. African American Theatre: An Historical and Critical Analysis. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Hill, Errol (ed). The Theatre of Black Americans: A Collection of Critical Essays. New York: Applause Theatre Book Publishers, 1987. Hill, Errol. Shakespeare in Sable: A History of Black Shakespearean Actors. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press,   1984. Marshal, Herbert and Mildred Stock. Ira Aldridge: The Negro Tragedian. Rockcliff: London, 1958. Hirst, David.   Notes on The Tempest.   London: Ginn, 1969. Vaughan, Alden T. and Virginia Mason Vaughan. Shakespeare's Caliban: A Cultural History.   New York: Cambridge, 1991.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free Essays on Whartons Ethan Frome: Wonderful and Cynical Ethane :: Ethan Frome Essays

Wonderful and Cynical Ethane Frome    Wonderful symbolism, pleasant reading, yet cynical and deterministic  Ã‚   I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and recommend it to lovers of romantic tragedy. For its mere 157 pages, this novel has an amazing impact. Wharton, who is usually credited for her stories set in the society she was more familiar with, such as "The Age of Innocence" writes with profound symbolism here. Setting the story in the town of Starkfield, her main character, Ethan, is a poor farmer caught between the cold reality of his marriage and his warm passion for love. In many ways "Ethan Frome" reminds me of "The Great Gatsby", although Ethan is much more down-to-earth and realistic than the fanciful Jay. But both novels read like poetry, and Wharton masterfully uses the natural settings and seasons to describe and emphasize her protagonist's inner workings. Where the tragedy of Gatsby's story may be questionable, there is no question (not in my mind anyway) about this story's appeal to our pathos. What is even more interesting is that Ethan Frome is probably the closest to autobiography of Wharton's works. She most likely chose a male protagonist in order to achieve the sympathy for those circumstances. Had she titled the story "Edna Frome" she would have likely stirred the animosity that Kate Chopin received for her book "The Awakening". The story is a simple one and the reading very pleasing. Ethan Frome is in a loveless marriage to a "mean" and sickly woman - Zeena. He falls in love with her younger cousin Mattie, who embodies all the sweet characteristics of romance. The dilemma is obvious on the surface, but is strengthened by many other unsurmountable realities. (Wharton has been labelled a believer of determinism, which is evident in this writing.)

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

For all his Byronic

â€Å"For all his Byronic / Gothic excesses, Heathcliff exists and steps out of the confines of fiction†¦easily† (Evans 1982) â€Å"He stands unredeemed never once swerving in his arrow straight course to perdition† (CBronte, 1847) With reference to these and other readings of the character of Heathcliff, explore your own interpretation of this character. In your essay you should: * Consider the role and function of Heathcliff within the novel * Explore the characterisation * Consider the various interpretations of his character by A) Characters within the novel B) Critics * Make a personal response to the character. Teacher's Name: Mrs Gowdy Date: When Emily Bronte wrote Wuthering Heights, she received much criticism for the character of Heathcliff. Heathcliff was believed to be the complete opposite to what a Victorian Gentleman should be: â€Å"It is almost definition of a gentleman to say he is one who never inflicts pain† (Cardinal Newman, 1852) Her sister, Charlotte, could not understand why Emily had a character of such evil in her book: â€Å"Whether it is right or advisable to create beings like Heathcliff, I do not know: I scarcely think it is.† (1) Considering Emily's background, it is logical to see why Charlotte might feel like this. Emily was born July 30th 1818 at Thornton, near Bradford, Yorkshire, and was the fifth of six children born to Patrick Bronte and his wife Maria Branwell. When she was two the family moved to Haworth, where Mr Bronte had been appointed the vicar. Except for short periods away as a student and later as a teacher, Haworth would remain her home for all her life. By the time she was seven, Emily had experienced three deaths in her family- her mother and her two older sisters, Maria and Elizabeth. Because of her reclusive life, she therefore might not be expected to know of such people to base the character of Heathcliff on. A suggestion for the way Heathcliff behaved is her brother Branwell, who was an alcoholic and dabbled with drugs: † It would have been impossible for Emily to render Hindley's alcoholic degradation and Heathcliff's ranting misery without the protracted spectacle of Branwell's breakdown before her eyes day in and day out.† (Katherine Frank, 1990) However, Heathcliff is a character who stirs emotions in the reader, and our sympathy returns to him again and again throughout the novel, despite his many violent deeds. But why? Why do we feel pity for a man who is presented as an embodiment of dark powers? We are introduced to Heathcliff right at the opening of the first chapter by Mr. Lockwood, (who ironically could be a type of the Victorian Gentleman,) who is delighted to discover that he is somewhat of a misanthropist like himself: â€Å"Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us†(2) However, Mr Lockwood soon discovers that Heathcliff is not all that he seems to be. Heathcliff winces at the mention of Thrushcross Grange, when Mr Lockwood inquires about it: † ‘Thrushcross Grange is my own, sir' he interrupted, wincing. ‘I should not allow any one to inconvenience me, if I could hinder it – walk in!' † (3) This suggests to the reader that this comment touches on a delicate part of Heathcliff's history, and is something in which he would rather keep secret. Lockwood in chapter two makes a vain attempt to be sociable with the tenants of Wuthering Heights, only to be laughed at by Heathcliff: â€Å"My amiable lady' he interrupted with an almost diabolical sneer on his face† (4) Heathcliff is quite rude to Lockwood, and we can come to the conclusion that he was one who was not brought up with any manners. (This proves to be true later on in the book). Heathcliff clearly shows no sympathy toward him, and wishes for Lockwood to mind his own business. â€Å"Mr Heathcliff may have entirely dissimilar reasons for keeping his hand out of the way when he meets a would-be acquaintance, to those which actuate me† (5) Bronte has chosen to keep this side in the dark, instead choosing to present him as a cold hearted recluse, only at first and then we are quickly shown his passionate side in chapter three. Mr Lockwood's character is naturally inquisitive, and therefore this episode with the landowner only makes Mr. Lockwood more interested in Heathcliff and his background. Catherine's diary shows insight into Heathcliff's past and the way he was treated. â€Å"Hindley is a detestable substitute- his conduct to Heathcliff is atrocious† (6) From this, we can establish that Heathcliff was subject to hostility and was surrounded by harsh treatment. Hindley always saw Heathcliff as a threat to him, especially as he is the ‘outsider' in the family. Nelly reports to Mr. Lockwood: â€Å"He bred bad feeling in the house; and at Mrs. Earnshaw's death†¦ the young master had learned to regard his father as an oppressor rather than a friend, and Heathcliff as a usurper of his parent's affections and his privileges; and he grew bitter with brooding over these injuries.† (7) Hindley, when they were boys, would thrash Heathcliff, and call him names such as † Imp of Satan†. Later on as young men, Hindley degrades him in front of Catherine, as he soon picks up on the fondness between the two, and makes him a servant. Naturally, this treatment he received had an effect on Heathcliff. Being this cold-hearted character is normal to him, having no other example of morals, except in Catherine. He rejects conventional Christian morality at an early age, (no thanks to Joseph whose methods of teaching the young children the Bible in a repressive and forbidding way could be questioned!) and also fails to pick it up as an adult. This rejection of faith could be possibly the reason why he is always referred to in a diabolical way. He has chosen not to be Christian, and therefore the powers of darkness are now ‘controlling' him. Characters such as Mr Earnshaw's comment on the impression of darkness he gives in the novel and of his tyrannical sadistic actions. â€Å"It's as dark as if it came from the devil† (8) It is almost as if he enjoys this evil impression he gives, and he learns he can attack people's weaknesses, such as Hindley and his enjoyment of gambling, which he uses to his advantage to gain ownership of Wuthering Heights. â€Å"You would imagine I was the devil himself- to excite such horror† (9) Heathcliff is such a contrast to what men where like in the Victorian era, which as Cardinal Newman suggests: † Is mainly occupied in merely removing the obstacles which hinder the free and unembarrassed action of those about him†¦carefully avoids †¦all clashing of opinion, or collision of felling, all restraint, or suspicion, or gloom or resentment; his great concern being to make everyone at ease and at home.† It wouldn't be surprising that the character was criticised, but Bronte did accomplish a much-debated character. Heathcliff does have emotions, and passionate ones at that, and this spurs him on in life. If Catherine was not at Wuthering Heights at the beginning, Heathcliff would not have stayed very long and bore all the physical and emotional torment he was given. Catherine seemed to keep him there, and when he fled, it was only because she had deserted him for a gentleman. We see how much he truly loves Catherine when Lockwood has his dream: â€Å"He got on to the bed, and wrenched open the lattice, bursting, as he pulled at it, into an uncontrollable passion of tears. ‘Come in! Come in!' he sobbed. ‘Cathy do come. Oh, do- once more! Oh! My hearts darling! Hear me this time, Catherine at last!† (10) Lockwood is startled at this and comments that â€Å"he seemed so powerfully affected† and â€Å"struggled to vanquish an excess of violent emotion†. The desperation in Heathcliff's voice shows us how he grieves for a lost one. We are now shown that he is not so evil as he displays himself to be, but still carries some violent tendencies with him, even though that is not expected when you are grieving. However knowing the love he carries for Catherine and his pain for her deserting him when they were young, we can understand why he reacts this way. The way Bronte uses this language to describe Heathcliff, makes him believable to the reader. Our sympathy lies with him, and Lockwood has now changed his perspective on Heathcliff, as has the reader. Nelly, like the reader, changes her opinion of Heathcliff according to the actions he does. When Nelly first met Heathcliff, she referred to him as ‘it', she did not regard Heathcliff as a person due to his physical appearance. † I had a peep at a dirty ragged child†¦yet when it was set on its feet, it's face looked older than Catherine's† (11) Nelly was a child when Heathcliff arrived, and childishly was jealous, along with Catherine and Hindley of having someone which did not look like them being part of the family. However as they both grow up together both have some kind of respect for each other, though it may be small at some times. Nelly fells sympathy towards Heathcliff during the time of Hindley's harsh treatment, and was genuinely surprised that he seemed so immune to it, as if it didn't affect him. However the reader knows that treatment like that does affect a person emotionally, and this cultivated a great resentment towards his tormentors. â€Å"He seemed a sullen, patient child, hardened, perhaps to ill treatment† (12) Her loyalties were torn between Heathcliff and Hindley, and we see her compassion for Heathcliff when he confides in her about Catherine. We learn that Heathcliff is completely devoted to Catherine. † The nation of envying Catherine was incomprehensible to him but the notion of grieving her he understood completely† So much in fact she helps him clean himself up, due to Heathcliff not caring about her appearance since Cathy left. Nelly is also Heathcliff's confidant. She tells him how Cathy is, and what her feelings are towards him. Nelly clearly understands how deep his love is for Cathy. Catherine plays an enormous part in Heathcliff's life, and his love for her seems to be a redeeming feature. Catherine and Heathcliff become very â€Å"thick† when they are young, as Nelly comments to Mr Lockwood, and this weakness that Heathcliff has, this love for Cathy, is manipulated by Hindley as a means of punishment, and is also the reason in my mind why Heathcliff is so determined to seek revenge. As Pinkmonkey, a literature Internet guide, points out in its character analysis of Heathcliff: â€Å"During adolescence, Heathcliff simply assumes that they will always be together† This assumption proves to be wrong. Edgar Linton proposed to Catherine, and she agreed, because she thought that Heathcliff was in fact, too uncivilised and uneducated to be her husband. Although this may sound selfish to Heathcliff when he eavesdropped on the conversation between Nelly and Cathy, we find out soon that after her own interests, she intends to help him in the future. † It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now; so he shall never know how much I love him†¦ My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath, a source of little visible delight, but necessary† (13) Cathy uses nature to contrast the two young men, and chooses a tree's foliage for Linton. Foliage can be trimmed and blooms, which is what Cathy is feeling for Linton now, but she knows when the harsh weather and the seasons change, all the foliage will die. She knows that she won't love Linton eternally, and problems facing the two will speed up the process. Heathcliff however is symbolised as rocks and are not affected by the weather. Rocks are wild and jagged, which matches Heathcliff's personality, and when the bad weather comes, the rocks are not affected because they are strong. The last comment she says, † a little visible delight but necessary.† could mean she knows that Heathcliff is not likeable but she needs him, as he provides sturdy foundations for her. Unfortunately for Heathcliff, he never gets to hear this part of the conversation, and flees Wuthering Heights. This moment in Heathcliff's history symbolises his turning point, as a character. He now feels a great sense of loss and betrayal, and Heathcliff never forgives Cathy for what she does, but nevertheless still loves her as passionately as before. When he returns after three years, he finds that she has married Edgar Linton and is now mistress of Thrushcross Grange. His plans at first were to seek revenge on Hindley and merely check up on Cathy to see if she is happy. However his suffering at seeing her again overwhelms him and he starts to torment the others, especially Isabella. Isabella is instantly attracted to Heathcliff, possibly because he has returned with an air of mystery around him, and seems dark and brooding. Linton is unhappy because he knew that his property could possibly fall into Heathcliff's hands if they should marry. Heathcliff at first, has no interest in her whatsoever, and is completely unaware of her affection towards him, until Catherine spitefully makes it known, embarrassing Isabella in the process. Heathcliff has no interest in Isabella, simply because he is still infatuated with Catherine. However the appeal of getting one over on Edgar is too great for him, and starts to woo Isabella. This infuriates Catherine and her husband, but Heathcliff only wanted to affect the latter. It seems that he blames Edgar for not being with Cathy, that if he had never been there as a child, Cathy and he would be together. There is also the possibility that Heathcliff, when he was younger was jealous of the social acceptance that others had. Heathcliff was picked on because he wasn't ‘one of them'- not actually be blood related to the Earnshaws; he was found on the streets of Liverpool. Now he has returned, gentleman in appearance, but still the same emotionally affected person, willing to wreak havoc on the people who mocked him. Isabella was warned about Heathcliff- but she chose to ignore it. She knows that by marrying Heathcliff it will anger Cathy who has a ‘if I don't have him no-one can ‘ attitude, and will gain her revenge for embarrassing her. She truly believes that Heathcliff does love her. Catherine on the other hand knows deep inside that Heathcliff only loves her and cannot understand why he would like Isabella. † Oh, the evil is that I am not jealous, is it? Well, I won't repeat my offer of a wife: it is as bad as offering Satan a lost soul. Your bliss lies, like his, in inflicting misery. You prove it†¦ I begin to be at secure and tranquil; and you, restless to know us at peace, appear resolved on exciting a quarrel. Quarrel with Edgar if you please, Heathcliff, and deceive his sister: you'll hit on exactly the most efficient method of revenging yourself on me.† (14) Heathcliff and Isabella run away together, but not before Heathcliff shows us his sadistic side – † Miss Isabella's Springer, Fanny, (was) suspended to a handkerchief, and nearly at its last gasp† (15) Soon enough, the ‘honeymoon' is over, and Isabella realises just who her husband really is. He is cruel and violent, and Isabella questions Nelly in a letter about her husband: † Is Mr. Heathcliff a man? If so, is he mad? And if not is he the devil?† (16) Abraham Lincoln once said † If you want to test a man's character, give him power† and this could be said for Heathcliff. Heathcliff gains power of Wuthering Heights by manipulating Hindley. Hindley at this point is an alcoholic and likes to bet. He loses his money through betting and is attracted to Heathcliff's newly found wealth, thinking he could win it. However, in the need Hindley dies deep in debt, and Heathcliff loaned him so much money that now he owns Wuthering Heights. Hindley still detested Heathcliff, even though he allowed him to stay there, and on many occasions as told to Isabella, has tried to kill him. We as the reader, however still think of Heathcliff with sympathy, even though we disapprove of his actions, especially towards Hindley and Isabella. We still remember his treatment as a child from Hindley, and so when he seeks out his revenge, we find it extremely difficult not to wish him success. By gaining this power, he is able now to control the future, by arranging marriages and so on. Catherine before she died, gave birth to young Cathy, and Isabella gave birth to young Linton in London. When she died, Edgar wanted to have custody of the child. However, Heathcliff has seen the possibilities and demands that he should come to live with him. After all, he is the father. Linton is quite the opposite of his father; he is pale, weak and quite spoilt in his ways. When Heathcliff finally meets him, he does not even pretend to love him, he calls his mother a slut, and mistreats him. † I'm jealous of monopolising his affection†¦yes Nell, †¦my son is the prospective owner of this place, and I should not wish him to die till I was certain of being his successor. Besides, he's mine, and I want the triumph of seeing my descendant fairly lord of their estates: my child hiring their children to till their father's lands for wages. That is the sole consideration, which can make me endure the whelp: I despise him for himself, and I hate him for the memories he revives!†(17) Heathcliff arranges meetings between young Cathy and Linton because he knows that if they were married, his son could own Thrushcross Grange. Heathcliff then has to find some way to claim it himself, and he was delighted to find out the Linton was in ill health without his interference. Heathcliff used emotional torment on Linton, who has a weak disposition anyway, to make him worse. He forces young Cathy to marry Linton for his benefit, which the young girl is not happy about, especially since her father is dying and Heathcliff won't let her see him. When Cathy shouts at him, through Nelly's words we can see how Heathcliff is affected by Cathy's words: † Heathcliff you are a cruel man, but you're not a fiend; and you won't, from mere malice, destroy irrevocably all my happiness†¦I've given over crying: but I'm going to kneel here, at your knee; and I'll not get up, and I'll not take my eyes from your face till you look back at me! No, don't turn away! Do look! Have you never loved anybody in all your life, uncle? Never? Ah! You must look once.† (18) Heathcliff can see his Catherine in her daughter's eyes, which is heart breaking for him, as he can't even bear to look at her. Heathcliff is not hated by Cathy, which also affects him emotionally. † He shrigged his sholders; shook himself, indeed, as if his flesh crept with aversion;† (19) I do not think he should inflict his revenge on the younger generation, simply because they were not to blame for the pain that Heathcliff bore in the past, especially Hareton, who is Hindley's son. Hindley was brought up badly by his father, who was always drunk and violent to him. Heathcliff wished to bring him up after his father's death. Heathcliff treats Hareton in a way, which reflects the way Hindley treated him, except that Hareton is completely oblivious to the fact that this is happening to him, because he wasn't educated. So, Hareton, who should have been the finest gentleman in the area, is reduced to living at Wuthering Heights as a common, uneducated servant, friendless and without hope, and surprisingly he likes Heathcliff. As Heathcliff comes closer and closer to realising his final revenge, he seems more preoccupied with his memory of Catherine. The horrible image of Heathcliff uncovering her grave just to see her face shows us his depth of passion for her. † I got the sexton to remove the earth off her coffin-lid, and I opened it. I thought, once I would have stayed there: when I saw her face again- it is hers yet- he had hard work to stir me; but he said it would change if the air blew on it, and so I struck one side of the coffin loose, and covered it up: not Linton's side, damn him! I wish he'd been soldered in lead†¦when I'm laid there, and slide mine out too; I'll have it made so: and then, by the time Linton gets to us, he'll not know which is which!† (20) The thought of Edgar and Catherine's bodies decomposing together is too much for him. He states that he wants to be buried next to Catherine, and even punches a hole in her casket and asks that the same would be done to him so that their dust can mingle. Near the time of his death, he becomes more and more isolated from everyone and increasingly obsessed with his dead love, imagining that she is haunting him, and Heathcliff becomes more cheerful, and feels happy that when he dies he will be reunited with Catherine. † I have neither a fear, nor a presentiment, nor a hope of death. Why should I? †¦ It is a long fight; I wish it were over!† (21) It is only at this time he feels reconciled to her spirit that he abandons his cruelty towards Catherine and Hareton. Heathcliff is a truly interesting character and our sympathy lies with him, because we understand why he is so determined to seek his revenge on the people who opposed him in the first place. With regards to the quotations at the start of my essay, Heathcliff is a character who seems vivid. The manner in which he speaks and the emotion that he carries with him throughout the book makes him † step out of the confines of fiction†. We never really hate him for what he does, simply because we know why he does it. He was badly treated when he was younger, and this developed into revenge. Still, our sympathy lies with him. Charlotte Bronte may not have liked his † arrow straight course to perdition† but modern readers who read Wuthering Heights justify why, without prejudice.